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Our Mission

SALT trains to plant churches and serve the nations through gospel-driven leadership development.

Our Vision

Our vision is to see 100,000 Pastors and Great Commission Leaders trained,
in order to plant healthy churches, businesses, and non-profits throughout the world.

Our Strategy


Creating content and educational opportunities.

  • CONTENT: Articles, books, and online courses based on SALT DNA and other resources.

  • SALT HUB:  Weekly online, multi-lingual gatherings for SALT Community centered on introducing the SALT DNA to a broad audience.

  • EVENTS: Annual SALT Conferences, weekender training events and seminars in Europe and the US,


Recruiting, assessing, and coaching PASTORS to make disciples and multiply churches.

  • SALT CATALYSTS:  Catalysts serve as the linchpin for all connections between pastors and SALT. Catalysts, serve in a language-specific SALT community.

  • SALT LAB:  Quarterly, in-person gatherings of pastors and church leaders.  LABS are led by the SALT Catalysts. 

  • PASTOR TRAINING:  Three-year engagement with a lead pastor or a church planter.  


Recruiting, assessing, and coaching LEADERS to make disciples and steward recourses.

  • SALT COORDINATORS: Residency program for young adults and professionals in Poland, Ukraine and the US.

  • SERVE TRIPS: Short-term mission trips to serve SALT partners worldwide.  

  • LEADER TRAINING: Three-year engagement with a business owner or a non-profit leader. 

Our Values

Value 1 - The Gospel is Central

In all things, the message of Jesus and the mission of Jesus are primary. The gospel is at the core of everything we do. Gospel centrality creates our ultimate identity and motivations. 

Value 2 - Vision is Born from Burden

We believe it is God, the Holy Spirit, that breaks our heart and then builds up our vision. He does this for his glory, and the good of the place He has called us, to take more ground for the Kingdom.

Value 3 - Strategy Creates Movement

Without strategy, our vision is only a dream. Strategy is always written in pencil, as we desire to be sensitive in following the movement of Holy Spirit's work.

Value 4 - People are Our Main Resource

We hold strategy, finances and brick and mortar in an open hand. The people of God are the leader's greatest resource. 

Value 5 - Partnership is Our Priority

SALT does not plant churches nor start businesses or non-profits. The local church plants churches, and the church members start businesses and non-profits. It is our desire to create movement through partnerships with healthy leaders. We echo Paul's words in Philippians 4 in that we don't seek the gift itself, but the fruit that comes from the gift (of partnership).